CHFF2011: Strange Thing Happens, Martin Toro, La Paz, Bolivia

CHFF2011: Racing Towards Red Hook, Jessica Scott, Brooklyn, NY

The Crown Heights Film Festival brings exceptional local and international film
to a wide audience in the heart of Brooklyn. Each night of the festival is a unique journey through a variety of genres including feature length, shorts, animations, documentaries, cross-disciplinary/transmedia and family films. The curation of the festival is based on an open call submission process. Films are screened in a sequential group with a lively intermission and Q&A session. The guiding criteria for selection includes quality of the submission, diversity of film genres to be shown, and which films together will create an engaging dialogue for the evening's program.

Submissions for the 2013 Season are now closed. Submissions will be accepted for the 2014 Season beginning November 2013.
Visit our page on Withoutabox to submit your film.

CHFF is an IMDb qualifying festival.